REVIEW: Nat Raum's Cadence (Talking to Myself) 2019
Image courtesy of Nat Raum.
This zine opens with a sweaty glass of ice water on a nightstand viewed from the perspective of someone in a bed. I immediately know this feeling, this moment. The glass of perspiring water is the same as my sweaty body when I wake up in the middle of the night, or as I try to sleep with my rambling mind at the helm. A metaphorical lead in that Nat uses to take us into a very personal experience that many have but rarely speak about, wrestling with oneself. The zine is perfectly self conscious and self aware. It reminds me of being a teenager dancing with what intimacy and desire means, not just in regards to an external crush, but in relation to myself. Nat’s Cadence (talking to myself) feels person in a way that photography isn’t these days. A gentle urging to look and feel with room to breathe in the quiet images between each spurt of angst. Nat leaves me asking what does it really mean to share our internal dialogue with others?
For information on Nat Raum and her work:
-Julie Rae